Almond-Crusted Cauliflower Bites with Avocado Ranch Dip

Almond-Crusted Cauliflower Bites with Avocado Ranch Dip! Baked, #glutenfree, #vegan and ready to party!It’s the weekend! And not just any weekend, it is 4th of July weekend and that means tons of celebratory gatherings/cookouts/Bar-B-Ques/etc. Not that I need to explain, but these are great because you get to hang out with people you (hopefully) like, eat awesome food, enjoy the summer weather and stuff our faces with Almond-Crusted Cauliflower Bites. I mean, I suppose we can also be stoked on the anniversary of independence for the US!

But, back to what I’m all about: finger foods! They’re perfect for parties, because you can sample tons of food without having to commit to a huge portion of one thing. That’s where these Cauliflower Bites come in; savory, crunchy, warm, pretty easy-to-make and delicious. Most of all, when you pair them with my Avocado Ranch Dip, things get even better!

Honestly, the Avocado Ranch Dip is my lazy, creamy ranch. I wanted to have a great dip for these tasty morsels of cauliflower, but didn’t feel like soaking cashews to make my own ranch (lol) or running to the store to buy some (still grateful for that option!). I happen to have a bunch of avocados on hand and thought, if I add all of the things to avocado that make ranch delicious, then this should also be delicious, right? And yes, CORRECT.

Furthermore, I’m thinking you should definitely make a batch (or two) of this recipe for enjoying over the weekend, and if you’re feeling generous share it with others. You can follow the instructions until done, place the cauli bites in a large, shallow baking dish and transport to your get-together, heating it in the oven, uncovered to bring that crisp back to perfection. Finally, serve it up!

Before we get to the recipe, one of my (non-vegan) Quality-Assurance Testers requested I tell you that this recipe gets “Three Thumbs up from Dad!” I’m not sure how that physically works out, but I’ll take it!

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